Terms and Conditions

By undertaking  Mikayla Jothy’s services, the participant understands and accepts the following:

Personal Training:

1. Personal Training sessions are executed with qualified Fitness Coach Mikayla Jothy. Specific attention is drawn to form and technique during exercise to avoid injury and achieve the best results. Mikayla Jothy assumes no responsibility for personal injury during Personal Training sessions.

2. Pre-existing Medical conditions/illnesses will need to have clearance by the Participant’s General Practitioner prior to commencement of Personal Training. Failure to do so will prevent the Participant from partaking. 

3. If the Participant with a Pre-existing Personal Injury or Medical Condition chooses to perform Personal Training without clearance, it is done so at their own risk and under no circumstances will responsibility be accepted

4. A confirmation SMS will be made to you 24 hours before your scheduled Personal Training Session to confirm your attendance. At this time, you will have the opportunity to reschedule or cancel if necessary.

5. All sessions run for a period 45 min or 1 hour. Ensure to be on time as being late will cut into your session time. If the fitness coach Mikayla Jothy is late then your session will be extended to ensure the full duration is satisfied. Mikayla Jothy will aim to arrive 5-minutes before your session to ensure set up of equipment for your session is completed prior to commencing.

6. A 24-hour cancellation policy applies. If your session is cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice the session will be forfeited from your pack. Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice will only be accepted under emergency circumstances/illness with no less than 2 hours before your scheduled session time (Unless a serious emergency). In this case, your session will be rescheduled with coach Mikayla.

7. During a personal training session with fitness coach Mikayla Jothy social media content may be captured for use on Instagram, Facebook or Website purposes. Please note Mikayla Jothy will ask permission before taking any content during a session. You have the right to approve or deny being filmed during your session.

8. Packs are valid for a 6-month period. If purchased packs are not used up within this time frame then the remaining sessions will be forfeited

9. Duo sessions must be undertaken by both participants. If one person is unable to attend a duo session, the participant wishing to undertake training must purchase a one-on-one session.

Payment Options:

  1. Packs can be purchased via bank transfer or cash upon arrival at your first session.

  2. Prices are inclusive of GST

  3. An email notification will be issued when your sessions are nearly out in order for you to top up your packs.

  4. No Refunds


  1. Only valid to use once per person.